by R' Shragi Kallus Shlita


3682 All 25 Popular Downloads 58Mishna Berurah 4History 125Sefer HaMitzvos 136Interesting Topics 78Hilchos Shabbos Crash Course 257Parsha 8Choshen Mishpat 513Gemara 241Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 51Basar BeChalav 34Thursday Night Shmooze 141Interesting Halacha Shiurim For Bachurim 321Hashkafa And Mussar 770In Depth Halacha 4Shidduchim Guidance 26Ladies Shiurim 85Miscellaneous Halacha 6Laws Of Damages 952nd Seder Kollel 103Summer Yarchei Kallah 5Sefiras HaOmer 9Hilchos Shabbos 10Hilchos Yom Tov 4Driving In Halacha 6Halachos Of The 3 Weeks 27Davening In Halacha 4Chukas Hagoyim 3Magic And Idol Worship 472Halacha 32Tefillah 23Shidduchim 12Welcome To Yeshiva 17Stump The Rabbi 3Tanach

Miscellaneous Halacha

To play shiur click on its name.

Miscellaneous Halacha shiurim given on a variety of interesting topics by R Shragi Kallus Shlita
# Name Category
Q And A -SeminaryMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A -SeminaryMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A -SeminaryMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A At Yeshivas Kesser HaTalmudMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A In Halacha And Hashkafa -SeminaryMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A Session - Crossing The Blind Man -SeminaryMiscellaneous Halacha
Q And A Torah Ore 5777 P1Miscellaneous Halacha
Q And A Torah Ore 5777 P2Miscellaneous Halacha
Q And A Torah Ore 5777 P3 -MissingMiscellaneous Halacha
Q&A Session Torah OreMiscellaneous Halacha
R Chaim Kaniefskys Din TorahMiscellaneous Halacha
Rosh Chodesh - The Ladies Yom TovMiscellaneous Halacha
Seminary Q&AMiscellaneous Halacha
Shatnez In Halacha And Hashkafa -2nd SederMiscellaneous Halacha
Shaylos And Teshuvos From Parshas MishpatimMiscellaneous Halacha
Shaylos In Yinglish -Tiferes Shlomo ChederMiscellaneous Halacha
Shovavim Niddah - In Gibraltar KollelMiscellaneous Halacha
Siman Resh Mem - TzniousMiscellaneous Halacha
Special Guest Speaker Kollel Nefesh HaChaim - Gittin ShaylosMiscellaneous Halacha
Stam Yeinum -AderesMiscellaneous Halacha
Tattoos Today - Siman 180Miscellaneous Halacha
The Chuppah From A To ZMiscellaneous Halacha
The Golem In Halacha Fact And FictionMiscellaneous Halacha
The Hashkafa And Halacha Of Buying A Home -2nd SederMiscellaneous Halacha
The Issur Of Machlokes In Halacha And Hashkafa -TOMiscellaneous Halacha